I want to present you my graduation design project. I’ve chosen a pretty unique theme, which is zootherapy. I’ve found a person in my city who’s actually a founder of “raccoon-therapy” and “fox-therapy” zootherapy techniques (at least in Russia that is). He is visiting orphanages and hospitals with his own raccoon and fox. Children there play with these animals, feed them and are generally happy being with them. I was to visually design this social project. Our target auditory are kids, their parents or their caretakers, which is why I’ve chosen simple kind and parts cartoonish design. I’ve drawn these cute animals – fox and raccoon and finished the polygraphy.
My project consists of: two info posters, a 40 page booklet and book-marks.
These informational posters contain interesting facts regarding foxes and raccoons.
Book-marks. On the rear there are quotes about animals.
The booklet is split in two parts. First part is telling the reader what zootherapy is. The second part gives information about foxes and raccoons, how they live in the wilderness and how to keep them as domestic animals.
Here I present you several pages from this booklet.

