The Lawrence Hall of Science - Exhibit 'Reinventing Reality'
These explainer animations were created to be used inside a VR headset and appear at the end of a persons experience interacting at a station. 
The animations were designed to be read (no audio), with short phrases appearing on each screen. They were presented in English and Spanish.
The animation (above) explains that your VR headset has a gyroscope, accelerometer and compass which translate your movements. 
The animation for this project was created for and in collaboration with Quatrefoil & Associates

The animation (above) explains how this VR headset uses LED lights and cameras to track your movement. 
The animation (above) explains how this headset maps the space around you giving the user a 3D experience.
The animation (above) explains your brain's reaction to exterior stimuli while in a virtual world.
National Museum of Dentistry
Brush Floss Rinse is an animated short hosted at the National Museum of Dentistry, helping people understand the importance of caring for their teeth.
Animation and characters created for and in collaboration with Quatrefoil & Associates
This animated info graphic is hosted at the National Museum of Dentistry. It teaches people that our mouth health has connections to our overall health.
Museum Animation

Museum Animation

2D Animation - Client Quatrefoil - 'Brush Floss Rinse' and 'Mouth Body Connection' for the National Dental Museum
