Client Task: Create a unique sticker for a range of Salads prepared by Greens Supermarket Ltd. The sticker must be simple yet communicate that the product is ready to eat (or use – pre-washed)  and healthy.

Target audience are the regular customers that shop from Greens, foreign students who are in the country during summer season to study English and customers who are always on the go

Situation: In the outlet there are different brands of the same product so these salads must stand out from the crowd.

Solution: Make the sticker stand out in the shop, by using a clean design without to many colors the focus is not taken off the product which is being stored in a clear container to show client its freshness. Design was created keeping in mind company brand regulations.  
Salad Stickers


Salad Stickers

Stickers for a range of Pre-washed salads which are ready to eat
