唸啥咪歌 What are you singing?|Album packaging

唸啥咪歌 What are you singing? -- 唸歌音樂專輯創作企劃
國立雲林科技大學 視覺傳達設計
105級畢業展 參展作品

2016 台中A+創意季 數位媒體設計類 金獎
2016 高雄放視大賞 行動應用類-數位影音組 金獎
2016 臺北新一代設計獎 金點新秀年度最佳設計獎 入圍
2016 雲林科技大學創新圓夢計劃 銀獎


About Liam Kua

Liam Kua, a traditional craft, early flourished in Taiwan. The following are features of Liam Kua: The singers perform on the streets, and often play instruments along with singing. The more common instruments are yueqin (a lute with oval or octagonal sound box) and daguangxian. The singers who “liam kua” and ad-lib show their special characters. Folk tales, gods and legends, and also everyday life as the theme songs are Liam Kua’s content. Liam Kua with different industries has different development, especially adios and medicines are most common forms.


Album packaging design

"What are you singing" is an album of creative project. With remaking Liam Kua from inside to outside (music, visual packaging, and the production of music video) to attract young people and change people’s thoughts is our designed purpose.

"Entertainment" is our design concept, and extends "Television" as a creative point. Television is a necessary entertainment for people. People communicate with others and enrich themselves by messengers from TV. However, when television had not popular in that era, Liam Kua played such a role. Liam Kua said the story, newspaper gossip, and even there was a break of ten minutes during advertising time sometimes. At that time, Liam Kua as television was a necessary entertainment. With the change of times, the programs have also been constantly changing, but people still enjoy entertainment. So we combine Liam Kua and television, and use the new way to express Liam Kua.

Lyric book
CD&DVD packaging

企劃 Planning / 黃宇謙  張芳榕  王柏仁  儲見智  林恬安
設計 Design / 黃宇謙  張芳榕  王柏仁
音樂 Music / 儲見智  林恬安  楊秀卿

Thanks for watching!
Music video: https://www.behance.net/gallery/41689613/-What-are-you-singing-Music-Video
唸啥咪歌 What are you singing?|Album packaging

唸啥咪歌 What are you singing?|Album packaging

「唸啥咪歌」是一項音樂專輯的創作企劃。從內到外(音樂到包裝視覺與MV製作)來改造唸歌,用能夠吸引年輕人的概念手法重新詮釋一般人認為傳統的事物,藉以達到我們的設計目的。 「娛樂」是我們的設計概念,並延伸出「螢幕」作為創意點。螢幕節目,是現代人不可或缺的娛樂,人們透過節目傳遞出的訊息與外界聯 Read More
