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PAR - Awareness Campaign for Refugees

This campaign was created for a personal project in Advertising class. We had to pick a subject that impacted us and that we wanted to act on. My choice was the Refugee cause, for this has been the biggest crisis of refugees since World War II.
Client: PAR - Plataforma de Apoio aos Refugiados (Platform for Support of Refugees)
Goal: Create Awareness to the actual situation of refugees.
Target: Portuguese citizens (15+)
Concept: Create an analogy between a board game and refugee lives through illustration.
Message: Refugees are being a pawn in a game of luck, it's our privileged duty to help them win this battle for survival.
"Para além de sorte precisam de ajuda."
Body copy:
"Está em curso a maior crise de refugiados desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial, situação de uma enorme complexidade, para a qual não existe uma resposta simples. Todos os dias os refugiados são obrigados a jogar com as suas vidas. Não os deixe ser um mero peão.
Saiba como ajudar os refugiados em:"
Headline (english version):
"Besides luck they need help."
Body copy (english version):
"We're living the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, a complex situation to which there's no easy answer. Everyday refugees are forced to gamble their lives. Don't let them be a mere pawn.
Know how to help refugees at:"
Thank you
PAR - Awareness Campaign for Refugees


PAR - Awareness Campaign for Refugees

This campaign was created for a personal project in Advertising class. We had to pick a subject that impacted us and that we wanted to act on. My Read More
