"Convencer a tu tio de que aunque hables despacito los franceses no te entienden, ahora te va costar muy poco"
Nuevas tarifas My World y My Europe de Movistar

"Make your uncle realise that talking slowly to frenchies will make then understand you, will cost you much less from now on"
New rates My World and My Europe of Movistar
"Convencer a tu primo de que en Alemania no estƔn siempre enfadados, es que hablan asƭ, ahora te va a costar muy poco"
Nuevas tarifas My World y My Europe de Movistar

"Make your cousin realise that germans are not always angry, its just that they speech like that, will cost you much less from now on"
New rates My World and My Europe of Movistar
"Convencer a tu hermano de que los ingleses beben cerveza caliente porque les gusta, ahora te va acostar muy poco"
Nuevas tarifas My World y My Europe de Movistar

"Make your brother realise that talking english people drinks warm beer becouse they like, will cost you much less from now on"
New rates My World and My Europe of Movistar


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