Sometime last year, a Slovene publisher commissioned me to illustrate a book with a very sensitive subject matter. It was a manuscript about migrants. Midway through the illustration process, the Syria crises escalated.
The book was written by Neli Kodric Filipic, a well known Slovene writer who is never afraid to tackle difficult subject matter. There is depth and heartbreak to this tale, and it was not an easy commission. But I was glad when it came out, and proud to take part in this project. In times like these, when fear and paranoia constantly battle with facts, and when due to media exposure there is no place to hide, it was an honour to yet again become aware that all people come from somewhere, whether as conquerors or slaves in this case matters little, because this story is about universal human experience.


After a forest fire, a tribe is decimated. Seven survivors begin their search for a new home.
