Intoxicated is a personal project that tries to portray literally what happens when a couple lives on a long term relationship. 

As individuals grow into the couple, they get "intoxicated" with characteristics of the other's personality, preferences and dislikes. Two years into the relationship we can tell each individual has mutated into a mix of themselves and their couple. 

This is a work in progress, always looking for new couples to portray. 

Ph. Erick Flores
Inspired by Jorge Drexler song "Antes".

Antes de mí tú no eras tú, 
antes de tí yo no era yo. 
Antes de ser nosotros dos 
no había ninguno de los dos, 
no había ninguno de los dos. 

Antes de ser parte de mí, 
antes de darte a conocer, 
tú no eras tú y yo no era yo, 
parece que fuera antes de ayer.


Intoxicated is a personal project that tries to portray literally what happens when a couple establishes a long term relationship. 


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