Dave Demarchi's profile

Experiential: Hannover Messe Booth

Ohio is Putting the Advanced in Advanced Manufacturing     
Experiential / Hannover Messe Booth

JobsOhio had a great opportunity to make a big impact at the Hannover Messe, the world’s leading industrial show. The United States would be the host country this year (a once about every 20 years or so year opportunity) and JobsOhio was determined to be THE state in the spotlight. We purchased one of the largest units in what we felt was the most strategically advantageous space in the Hall of the Americas and the we put our all into creating a bold, engaging and memorable environment.

We placed strategic communication pieces throughout the US + other county halls to entice interest and geo-fenced the facilities to begin communications with the show-goers before they even saw any of the competition.

Apparently, it worked. It worked so well that President Obama & the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel chose our booth as their background for the ribbon cutting ceremony, opening the Messe to the world.

Agency:                                                    JobsOhio
– Marketing Director                                 Scott Hanley
– CD/Creative Services Manager            Dave Demarchi
– Art Director                                            Robin Roberts
– Copywriter                                             J. Scott Mylin
– Marketing Manager                               Kelsey Porreca
– Visual Manager                                     Anna Duee
Client:                                                      JobsOhio: Adv. Mfg. Sector
– Managing Director                                Glenn Richardson
– Sector Manager                                    Karthik Avadhanula
– President / CIO                                     John Minor
Experiential: Hannover Messe Booth

Experiential: Hannover Messe Booth

With the US as 2016's host country, JobsOhio spent an unprecedented amount at the annual Hannover Messe and wanted an integrated, experiential pr Read More
