Jeff Walls's profile

Janik Industries - Identity

I worked with San Francisco, CA based Janik Industries, purveryors of fine cycling gear, to design a logo and branding guidelines and to help them formulate and refine their e-commerce strategy, and marketing approach. 

Working off of a brief to evoke a sense of craftsmanship and unique identity to help create product differentiation in a crowded marketplace, I designed the "night factory" ID. It conveys the seriousness and industry at Janik and is evocative of the company's (which originated in Wisconsin) rust-belt pride and rich history of craft, with a nod towards the often late-night sewing sessions and DIY blood, sweat, and tears that went into making the initial run of bags.

The last photo, captured on the streets of SF, was a fun one. It's always satisfying seeing a design out there in the world, standing up to the test of time.
Janik Industries - Identity

Janik Industries - Identity

Logo and identity for a cycling accessory company.
