Sumanyu Patel
Art & design
Grade 11

Mid-terms | Point of view | Peace

The first thought that emerges in your mind when you think of POINT OF VIEW is the vantage point. It is always relates to a controversial topic, where people share their views regarding the topic. Point of view is the opinion one has on any topic of discussion. These opinions can be put forth in different ways. People with a strong point of view regarding a topic might go to extremes to get themselves heard. My sculpture revolves around this interpretation of the word.
Moving on to next medium, I found out acrylic suited my purpose and conveyed my interpretation vividly.
The first layer talks about religions and how people view peace through the eyes of religion. The idea of religion sometimes helps people look at peace in a non-violent manner. Mahatma Gandhi was a great inspiration to the world for attaining peace through non-violence. Religions have put mental and physical borders among the people. There are stereotypes created about people and by people because they are from a particular religion. Thus, it can be said that religion has provided both positive and negative effect on the humans.
The second layer represents the point of view of adolescents about what they think about peace. The first 2 words which came up in their mind are present on the layer. There were several words which were very common, for example, dove, white and silence. This survey was my first hand study on peace.

The third layer talks about the violent methods used by people to achieve peace amongst the group. People aim to attain peace by using brutal ways to treat people, either physically or mentally, just because their point of views about matter. For instance, there have been several cases in our past which have reflected people relying on weapons as medium to achieve peace. The two world wars have occurred when people have their own point of view on peace and to reach that view people go out of their way to get there. The way Hitler perceived peace was totally different from the way Mahatma Gandhi perceived it. This entire piece was made to portray different point of views on peace.
Thank you! 
Viewing Peace

Viewing Peace
