I've been lucky to work under the direction of Jr. Canest and with many talented animators on The Biggest Story
What is The Biggest Story?
"In "The Biggest Story," Kevin DeYoung leads kids and parents alike on an exciting journey through the Bible, connecting the dots from the garden of Eden to Christ's death on the cross to the new heaven and new earth.
With powerful illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark, this imaginative retelling of the Bible’s core message will draw children into the biblical story, teaching them that God's promises are even bigger and better than we think."
What did I do?
I had the chance to work on 2 shots in Chapter 8 and 9
The Biggest Story - Chapter 8 - Shot 1
The Biggest Story - Chapter 9 - Shot 2
Project Behance Page

Illustrations: Don Clark - Invisible Creature
Director of Animation & Production: Jorge Canedo Estrada
Animation: Bunch of amazing people (end of the full movie)
Additional Design: Juliet Park
Music: Ryan Taubert
Voice Over: Propaganda

Produced by Crossway
Created for the book, "The Biggest Story," by Kevin DeYoung

Thanks you for watching !
The Biggest Story

The Biggest Story

Featuring beautiful illustrations adapted from the book, The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film will captivate children as they are led on an Read More
