Caroline Doyé's profile

Zukunftsfähig gestalten – Zukunft denken

»Designing the future is a matter of care.
It can't be predicted, but taken into consideration and then planned in advance.«
(Hajo Eickhoff, Jan Teunen)

Designers have the talent to imagine things that do not yet exist, to visualise them and consequently make them accessible to society. Contemporary design should accept responsibility, for man and environment, climate and the future. Therefore it is wise to be aware of the influence desigers have with their work on present and future generations and the great responsibility that results from it.
This bachelor thesis wants to give introductory information that activates the reader to reflect the values of a designer. It wants to sensitize and to motivate for a responsible design and a future-oriented handling of the resources.
In the form of a calendar you get introductory information that activates you to reflect on the values as a designer. The calendar wants to sensitize and to motivate for a responsible design and a forward-looking handling of resources. The content helps designers to facilitate easy access to the topic of »sustainability«, provides examples from different design areas and enables to glance beyond one's own nose.

As an extension to the calendar a website has been created with an attached forum (Dummy) as well as an app for smartphones and tablets. The app serves as a model for projects that arise from the community, the forum of the website. Someone has the idea, another one has the knowledge to implement it. ( Therefore a first thumbnail sketch has been created.)

The project was nominated for the »Marianne-Brandt-Competition« in the category »Cradle to Cradle«.
As well for the »German Federal Ecodesign Award« in the category »junior | education and communication material«

Zukunftsfähig gestalten – Zukunft denken


Zukunftsfähig gestalten – Zukunft denken

„ZeitgemäßesDesign sollte unbedingt Verantwortung übernehmen, für Mensch und Umwelt, Klima und Zukunft.“ Der Kalender vermittelt Designern Inform Read More
