Aubrie Chiu's profile

Unit 2 - Photoshop Collages

Works Cited
Digital Image Unit 2 Collage project
Nic Redhead,, tree fingers
Rob Glover,, 4th-Day Crescent Moon
Chris Yarzab,, Sun
Reflection on Collage
Junior year was a tough year for me. I started to get my first C’s and B’s since elementary school. I didn’t know how stressful so many AP classes were going to be. The thought that was stupid came about. I failed like failed a lot of my tests. All of that just made me sad. No matter how hard I worked it seemed like I was going nowhere. I stayed multiple times till 4 in the morning making myself susceptible to being sick and having panic attacks. Needless to say I had a bad year. Though I did learn get into Studio Ghibli which is an animation studio based in Japan but works with Disney’s Pixar. The movies Hayao Miyazaki made all had deep messages buried within it, and his movies made me feel better about myself. One of the movies Howl’s Moving Castle, had a character named Sophie Hatter, and she said, “They say the best flame burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst.” This quote has become one of my very favorite. Meaning that you are at your best when times seem like they are at their worst. Or when times are hard, there's still strength from within to make the situation better.
To show this stress I attempted to make my collage have a dark creepy tone to it. Which is why I had the trees. I did originally make the sky for the trees pure black and white but later decided that there needed to be more color to the picture. So I ended up making the sky background of the trees a grey-ish blue.
There are two pictures of me. In both majority of my face is covered with my hair. This is to show that I was ashamed of who I was last year and I felt like I didn’t even know who I was anymore. The bigger picture of me I’m sitting with my head in my knees. This is to show the sadness and stress I felt. The second picture I was trying to imitate how I felt like I was in a bubble, trapped under stress and endless supply of homework and expectations.
There is a moon, but is barely visible. It mostly surrounds the bigger picture of me. It was placed there to represent all the times I didn’t go to bed to finish homework. Also because I thought it went well with the creepy tree branches.
The circle around the smaller picture of me (the me pushing out) is surrounded by the sun. Now the quote mentions flame but I could not find a flame that would fit with the picture. Also it looked awkward.  However the smaller looks like I’m pushing outwards. So I decided to use the sun because it is fire and it is round. Also the picture of the sun I found kind of gave the effect of the flame coming from within (me) and spreading outwards to break the invisible bubble of stress and sadness that I was in.
Unit 2 - Photoshop Collages

Unit 2 - Photoshop Collages

Collage for Digital Image Design 1.
