About the project    
We were approached to design a packaging for a premium salami with a name derived from the four main ingredients.

The brief    
Four Princes represents four wild animals from the Carpathian Mountains in Romania chosen to be the masters in creating a very special salami recipe. Sold as a private label in some of the top delicatessen stores in Romania, and outside the country, the design needed to represent the high-quality crafted process.

What we did    
With an acquired taste for the connoisseurs, we chose to design a restrained, contemporary solution with cues drawn from the Royal Coat of Arms of Romania. Having a two color pallette, and using copper into the illustration we convey a modern feel rooted in a historic period. We honoured the animals by creating a profile graphic depiction through a vector etching technique.

Identity, Packaging, Illustration
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Four Princess

Four Princess

Packaging design for a premium salami with a name derived from the main ingredients, four wild animals from the Carpathian Mountains in Romania.
