Ives Wong's profile

。Edinburgh Festival Fringe。 Promotion Collateral

Edinburgh Festival Fringe—Promotion Collateral
A brand-new design identity was developed for Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2016 adhering to their objectives– Encouraging amazing artists to join this arts festival and providing an ideal platform to showcase themselves. To refresh client's visual identity, I opted for digging into the meaning of Fringe (border), the origin and the context of the festival itself. 

Strokes indicate movement, and the movement symbolizes the variety of activities that are brought by the Festival Fringe such as comedy, dance, musical and opera. Punky, decorative and abstract letter-form of the font Revue, is used in the logo, which hints the vitality of the festival. It also stands out from my plain and comparatively dull colour palette.

The vintage design somehow reminded people of the long history of the festival- ‘DEFYING THE NORM SINCE 1947’. On the other hand, the modern design principle minimalism and the contemporary design of the mobile apps also reinforce the presence of this large arts festival.

A2 Festival Poster Design
Promotional item— Coasters Design​​​​​​​
Mobile Apps for the festival—
A splash page and two down pages' designs for iPhone 6
Screen size: 1334 x 750 pixels 

。Edinburgh Festival Fringe。 Promotion Collateral

。Edinburgh Festival Fringe。 Promotion Collateral

