The Passing - Digital Illustration/Photo Manipulation 18" x 24"
What started out as a simple project to sharpen my Photoshop skills took on a life (or death) of it's own. We have seen the double exposure technique for...well as long as photographers had film. This technique has seen a resurgance in the past few years and I had always loved the works others have done. So, I had a little downtime and decided to make it worth-while and take a stab at it. Little did I know that it would quickly become something unto itslef. I sat down at about 9:00 am going through some old stock images I had trying to get two images that would work good together for this exercise. I tried a few different images and finally settled on the two main images (see below top row) of a young woman and red smoke. The two ink spots (no I am not getting psychological) were later introduced for texture/wings and the last image was used a a displacement map. I only stopped for short breaks until about 5:pm to spend time with my girls (wife & daughter) then went back to work not going to bed until 3:00am with touch-ups & project finalization later in the morning. You can watch a short movie I made showing the build up of layers that compose the final image. I hope you enjoy the work!
Thank You!
The Passing


The Passing

What started out as a learning project soon grew to have a life of it's own.
