Everyone has their own path. A path can rush with acceleration or slow to a crawl. A path can grow large and unpredictable or small and uninteresting. Only a person on their path can change it.
The path does not care if you are invested in it. Whether you love it or hate it, praise it or ignore it. The path moves onward with or without you. You can allow the path to fly under the radar or you can examine it by finding your breath for the moment. You are the path and the path is you. 
We are often so caught up with distractions that we forget to take a breath and experience the 'now'. Remember, This Is It.  
This project was created with 16mm analog film. Around 200ft film leader was hand painted and manipulated. The finished 16mm painted film was digitized and then used as a 3D displacement map to create the moving envirnonment. If you would like more information about my process, you can watch my Film to 3D project here which explains it in detail.  
This Is It

This Is It

We are often so caught up with distractions that we forget to take a breath and experience the 'now'. Remember, This Is It.
