Stamp Book
Graphic Design 2
This goal of this project was to create an interest in sending mail through the United States Postal Service. Our class had to come up with some creative way to generate an increase in the use of the Postal Service since everything these days is sent by email. My idea came out of the fact that my generation has become so accustomed to email that they will never return to paper mail. Therefore I targeted a younger audience of children, those of about the age of 6. These children will not yet be used to sending email, thus leaving room for paper mail to be introduced as a fun activity. I figured that if I could gain the interest of kids while they're still little I can make an imprint on their childhood. This would make my Stamp-and-Learn book series something they will love because it was something they grew up with.
This book titled, "Where does my letter go?" is aimed to give children an idea about what goes on when they send a letter. The journey of the character "PS",  a letter, is depicted in the book to explain the process of the Postal Service. Also included in the book are blank drawable stamps, a removable blank envelope, and instructions for how to fill out that envelope. This way, kids learn how to send mail and can have fun doing it.
Stamp Book

Stamp Book

This project was done for my Graphic Design 2 class at Rutgers during the spring semester of 2012.
