A single tag to identify any Blood Type Group
TAG ABO badge integrates the eight predominant blood type groups into a single design. User threads the cord through its corresponding blood type group hole and identifies oneself wearing the tag as a necklace or attaching it to personal belongings.
Wearing a blood type tag could be vital in case of urgent medical intervention, specially when a loss of consciousness occurs. Doctors always test patients blood before transfusion to verify its group type, unless it is a critical situation. TAG ABO is a product for the convenience of anyone, specially for those people exposed to major dangers in the daily basis, such as factory workers, daily drivers, diseased people and populations living in conflict zones like war areas or natural disaster prone areas.
The manufacturing process consists of a single press stroke on steel that shapes and stamps the different characters at a time, making manufacturing really cheap. 
TAG ABO Self-testing Kit contains an ELDON CARD for self-testing ABO and Rh blood type, a stainless steel TAG ABO, cord and a blood type compatibility chart.


A single tag to identify any Blood Type Group
