HERAT OR HEAD és un llibre autoeditat que treballa la fotografia, la tipografia i alguns elements realitzats amb stamping. El llibre, treballat amb dos colors, experimenta amb papers, canvis de mida, elements cosits i un ordre de lectura poc convencional. HEART or HEAD és un llibre que parla sobre el dilema a l'hora de prendre decisions. La meitat del llibre va dedicat als sentiments i l'altre a la raó. Les persones utilitzem aquests dos components en qualsevol decisió que prenem a la vida. De vegades ens deixem portar més per impulsos i altres vegades deixem de fer coses per la por que tenim a què no funcionin.
Els sentiments i la raó neixen del mateix òrgan del nostre cos: el cervell. Però la dualitat dels sentiments i la raó sempre serà present i serà el que guiarà la nostra vida cap a un camí o altre.

HERAT OR HEAD is a self-edited book which works with photography, typography and some items made with stamping. The book only use two colors. It experiments with transparencies, size papers changes, stitched items and unconventional reading order. HEAD OR HEART is a book that talks about the dilemma that we have when we make decisions. Half of the book is dedicated to talk about feelings and the other half to talk about reason. People use these two components in any decision that we make in life. Sometimes act with drives and sometimes we leave to do things because we have fear.
The feelings and reason born in the same organ in our body: the brain. But the duality of feelings and reason will always be present and that will guide our life towards a direction or another.
HEAD OR HEART – is a book that talks about the dilemma that we have when we make decisions.
The feelings and reason born in the same organ in our body: the brain. But the duality of feelings and reason will always be present and that will guide our life towards a direction or another.
heart or head

heart or head

HERAT OR HEAD is a self-edited book which works with photography, typography and some items made with stamping. The book only use two colors. It Read More
