How can we use interaction to express architectural concepts? 
I designed and built an interactive architectural model based on Kisho Kurasawa's Nakagin Capsule Tower, originally built in Tokyo in 1972. 
Kurasawa's original tower emphasized modularity - each identical mass-produced capsule is a fully equipped apartment. Each capsule can then be removed and replaced once technology improves and living needs change. As a leader of the Metabolism movement in the 70s, Kurasawa envisioned entire cities built from this style of modular housing. 
To capture the spirit of the original, I mass produced the capsules from interlocking laser-cut parts. I then attached each capsule to the tower using velcro. In a final exhibition, I invited viewers to remove and replace the capsules to create unique arrangements and shapes.
Like the original capsules in Tokyo, each capsule on the model is removable and replaceable.
And as in the original, the model's capsules are made from mass-produced, prefabricated parts. All of the pieces were cut using the laser-cutter in the Brown Design Workshop. 
Nakagin Model

Nakagin Model

Interactive Architectural Exhibit
