
This project is a data- visualization made in my first year at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in Arnhem, The Netherlands
for the subject Information Design.

'Fraisier' is based on the fraisier strawberry cake.
For this project the goal was to analyse a recipe and produce a visual representation.

After reading the recipe and baking the cake myself I came to the conclusion that the recipe was quite simple. In my project I choose to emphasize that the process of baking is simply adding ingredients together and getting a result, just like a math sum. 
Somehow I wanted to visualize how I read recipes myself, by summarizing the text, simplifying the steps and leaving out details and actions.
To create a different perspective in reading the recipe.

The data visualization is read from left to right.
Each cube symbolizes an ingredient, the ingredient it self is inside the polyester resin made cube. 
The geometric shape of the cubes give a sense of order and regulation.  For this installation the cubes are placed on a light box, for a better view of what is inside each cube. The grid underneath shows their position. At the end of each line there is a result cube with the shown ingredients combined. The last cube in de visualization is the completed cake.
