Corporate Design
Philharmonie Essen

Task: Development of an appearance with a global claim.
The Philharmonie should succeed worldwide as a concert hall and stand out as a unique quality house.

The core idea: What could describe the authentic live experience of a concert better than the individual quality of a fine handwriting. For the Philharmonie, a handwriting based on the model of the Capitalis Romanis is being developed. This script is being written and digitalized in various passes, while the script's authentic and vivid character is retained.That way, each concert event can be presented as a unique and distinctive event just by the visual appearance of the word. A form element of the script gets elevated to a sign. An almost clerical color mood sets the festive setting for the live music hall, a Philharmonie at international level.



Corporate Design of the Philharmonie Essen. The Philharmonie should succeed worldwide as a concert hall and stand out as a unique quality house.


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