Robert Hamilton's profile

Word/Object Combination

Word/Object Combination
Assignment: Pair an illustration of an everyday object with a word set in Helvetica to create a third image.

Rather than choosing a common item for the project, I chose to use my fountain pen, a more "pompous" object. After conducting light studies to capture the shape of the pen, it came time to pair the illustration with a word. Using  Helvetica yielded poor results, so I instead embraced the reputation of the pen and chose to set the word "helvetica" in a flowing script typeface. Despite breaking the rules of the assignment, the pairing was a success.
Rough light study sketches
Final light sketch in marker
Initial pairing with Helvetica typeface
Final version with handwritten typeface and illustrated pen
Word/Object Combination

Word/Object Combination

A pairing of an illustration and a typeface to create a new image.


Creative Fields