Jodi Gregg's profile

Scientific Data Visualizations: Earthquakes

MDM Graduate Industry Project
Time Completed: 4 Months

The Project -
Create scientific data visualizations about Earthquakes in Canada for Journalists in multiple mediums, such as TV Broadcasts, Documentary, Web, and Print.

My Roles-

Creative Direction -
2D Animator -

2D Artist -

What I Learned:

This was my second time working on a team with many artists and as the only english-first-language speaker. I felt much more prepared for the challenges this time round. I spent more time gathering reference materials and preparing storyboards to communicate artistic styles, and I worked harder to listen and understand every member of my team. 

The new challenge on this project had to do with the subject matter. we were presented with task of creating scientific data visualizations of Earthquakes in Canada without any information/ Myself and another team member had to become scientists and spent two weeks researching everything about plate tectonics and earthquakes, specifically in Canada. We organized and scripted the research and then taught the information to the rest of the team.  We eventually met with a geologist at Simon Fraser University who fact-checked all our work. He only found minor mistakes, but was very impressed.
Some of our whiteboard thumbnails (these were done by me)
Some more of our whiteboard thumbnails and research (these were drawn by our project manager Jennifer Sun who was the other team researcher)
Scientific Data Visualizations: Earthquakes

Scientific Data Visualizations: Earthquakes

Created animated scientific data visualizations about Earthquakes in Canada for Journalists in multiple mediums. (TV, Web, & Print)
