Teyu Liao's profile

牡丹情緣 a Book of The Peony Pavilion

The Peony Pavilion
The Peony Pavilion is a legendary romantic tragicomedy play written in 1598. The book is documented the author's trips with the play The Peony Pavilion throughout the years.

It’s about love
Peony in Chinese culture symbolizes honor, wealth, and love. We designed the book cover with an ancient drawing of the flower with the typeface done by a famous calligraphist. With the golden color, we emphasized the timelessness and the importance of the play.
牡丹情緣 a Book of The Peony Pavilion


牡丹情緣 a Book of The Peony Pavilion

Editorial design / Art Direction Calligraphy / 董陽孜 Graphic Design / Chih-lun Chang Studio Art Director / Chih-lun Chang Designer / Teyu Liao
