Pepsi Rebrand
Level 2 BA(Hons) Graphic Design, Lincoln University
First Graphic Design project of the year! This project didn't particularly go well for me, so I have been putting off publishing for a while. Only reason this let me down really was my rationale of it all, which I now know better how to do! But they don't lie when they say you learn from your mistakes...

So for this project we had to pick a brand from the 'Top 100 Brands' list, and rebrand it. Why I chose Pepsi I don't know, I really wish I had picked something a bit easier! But looking at the logo, I think I did quite a good job, mixing the old with the new, giving it a nostalgic feeling, but also keeping the companies identity.
This is how the logo would work for their Light, Max, and other flavoured editions. I also incorporated the design onto cans and bottles.
I also came up with another 'throwback' edition called 'The Revival', which is their old formula.
Pepsi Rebrand

Pepsi Rebrand

Pepsi Rebrand Level 2 Graphic Design Lincoln University
