The industrial cluster area of
Ala (TN), located bewteen
mountains,the Adige river, City
and agricultural areas, will be
progressively replaced by a new
cultural and research center in
order to give back to the city an
immense area.
In the complex and conflicting
setting of an industrial and logistics
cluster on demise, closely linked
with an “urbanized countryside”
and the strong sign of the river
infrastructure, the design exercise
has the aim to define a new identity
and a new meaning for the area at
a territorial and architectural scale.
The description of places and
of the urban textures and the
subsequent comprehension and
identification of the main elements
of the built space, open space and
relational space were the starting
point for the design phase.
At the territorial and urban scale,
there is a new configuration of
the complex open space system,
defining a technological and
cultural path able to connect
the city from the mountain to the
river, identifying two architectural
elements as polar cores.
At the architectural scale, the
definition of a passing-through
system at different heights levels,
inside an existing backyard, in
which secret gardens, exhibition
spaces and study and research
areas come one after the other.
The design idea was the
developed through the continuous
relationship with the stable
elements of the context. Internal
spaces quality and connections
were then studies, also dealing with
technological elements such as
concrete pillars and walls.
The final configuration is displaying
as a complex form closely related
with existing volumes, in order to
connect two polarities through a
system of multifunctional spaces
oriented by nature, art and culture.
The existing industries will be
converted and their spaces reinvented,
working with voids and
layers, adding a new big structure
that is “floating” on the roof,
defining a new Landmark.
Fabio Alampi, Edoardo Allocchio
Fabio Alampi, Edoardo Allocchio.
Utopia for Ala

Utopia for Ala

The industrial cluster area of Ala (TN), located bewteen mountains,the Adige river, City and agricultural areas, will be progressively replaced b Read More
