James Wightman's profile

'Miracles' Summer Series Branding

This is a working mockup for our summer sermon series at the church I work as a creative director for. I've been going a lot of different directions philosophically and aesthetically trying to figure out what I'm trying to convey. At the end of it all (at least thus far), I wanted something that wasn't so on the nose and expressed some ambiguity and confusion.
American Evangelical Christianity has a a habit of living at the surface level when it comes to the arts and when it comes to explaining the things and nature of God. This is an attempt to subvert that tendency, and to try and put myself into the shoes of the people that would have encountered this Jesus figure defying explanation. How they had to have been confused, interested, intimidated and wrestled as they attempted to make sense of the things they were seeing take place in front of them. 
'Miracles' Summer Series Branding

'Miracles' Summer Series Branding

This is a working mockup for our summer sermon series at the church I work as a creative director for. It's attempting to enter into the confusio Read More
