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A series of posters on a narrative story

A series of posters about a story called, The unexpected. 
To design a series of A2 posters that portrays the mood and imagery of the story. 
The unexpected 
A change in a post mans life. It was a letter from her distant friend whom he had delivered monthly and every time he delivered this letter she would be in tears of joy. Pondering what was the reason for all this sadness, the postman would give her sweets whenever he delivered the letter. It would brighten her day and put a smile on her face and that was an encouragement that the postman felt. It was a sense of achievement that was the highlight of his job.
The postman felt the importance of delivering to her. The essence of a letter based on the scent and texture of the paper. The physical touch and brings back the rush of excitement, however for her it was different. However it was a different approach for her. The postman ponders. One day the postman decided to ask why was she feeling upset and always looking saddened by the moment she receive the letter. The response was because she had never met her lover as they have met online. The distance was in suspense and he was dying from cancer.
During a period the postman realizes the letters stopped sending through. The postman went to find out from the lovers family on what was his condition. The lover had passed on. The postman was rather shocked and did not know how to react. And knowing the withdrawal of not having to receive the letters would keep her isolated and anxious. It was hard to break the news to the girl, the postman decided to write a letter on behalf on the deceased as he knew it would be so terrible for her to find out the truth and she might be in grief.
The postman was afraid she might end her life as well and she couldn’t see her lover for the first and last time. It was an unconditional love. As days pass, the postman would worry. Thinking of any solutions or ways to break the news. Resolving the issue leaving as it is. It took a toll on thinking about any possibilities. The postman went deeper and came up with a solution, to continue to write letters to her even as the lover had passed. It was neutral whether it was good or bad. The postman at least knew he tried his best as he felt for her. 
Tears of joy 
Dying in suspense
Unknown writer
Post delivery
Some of the initial sketches for the idea development
A series of posters on a narrative story

A series of posters on a narrative story

A series of poster design for a narrative story of a postman
