Chelsea Kevan's profile

Cruise Line Final Suite

For this project i started a cruise line from scratch. I had to create a logo for the cruise line, so i came up with design that is appealing, and helps give people a clear message of what they offer. I used the color blue and orange, because they are peaceful colors and help draw people in. I came up with the name for the cruise line, because when i was researching other cruises they all had very odd names, so i kept it simple and created the name Ocean Ways. Throughout all the items i created for Ocean Ways, the design elements that stayed consitent is definatly the colors used. I kept a nice blue color that is a little different from the logo, so people are able to seperate the two. I did change the blue colors for every item i created to help seperate them from eachother. I used lines to help seperate the content when it needed to be, such as on the notepad. The design principles i used while creating the Ocean ways items were definatley balance and symmetry. For me everything has to be even, because it helps to make it more appealing. Every principle and element i used were conistent through this whole project, so you woud know right away it is Ocean Ways cruise line. 
Cruise Line Final Suite

Cruise Line Final Suite

Promotional Design


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