Gerhana is an interactive page about solar eclipse 2016. It recite about how us, mankind, comprehend the sun in many ways over centuries. It surely become a special moment since the next solar eclipse will come up 26 years later (year 2042). Especially when Indonesia is the only land that had traversed by the eclipse.
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Indonesia was lucky to be the only land that traversed by the moon to see total solar eclipse. This moment will only recur on year 2042.

It reminded us of 1983 solar eclipse that longed for almost 6 minutes. Back then we were forbidden to see the phenomenon by the President's order for it could cause blindness.
Ternate people used to believe the eclipse was caused by an evil dragon that would ate up the sun. They had to make rowdy noises so the dragon spew it.
May 29th 1919, Sir Arthur Eddington and Frank Dyson snapped a portrait of solar eclipse from Principe, West Africa.
The sun was also worshipped once. On Aztec century, men were sacrificed for the sake of the sun god, Huitzilochti.

Just like us, the sun will also extinct. It will turn to a gigantic red star and swallow the earth. Probably that what is called doomsday in science. When the sun's dying man could runaway to Mars, which maybe will become more sustainable for a new living in the future.
Gerhana 2016

Gerhana 2016

An interactive landing page about Indonesian folklore, the myth of solar eclipse, to future prediction of the sun.
