Digital Artwork using Procreate on iPad Pro / Apple Pencil.
Introducing 'The Last Penguin,' a thought-provoking artwork that carries a powerful message about environmental consciousness and the critical state of our planet's wildlife. The title itself is a poignant reminder of the urgency surrounding conservation efforts. This piece portrays a lone penguin standing against a backdrop of change, symbolizing the vulnerability of these creatures in the face of habitat destruction.
Through skillful strokes and evocative imagery, 'The Last Penguin' encapsulates both the beauty and fragility of nature. The artwork serves as a call to unite as stewards of the Earth, highlighting our collective responsibility to protect the homes of these magnificent creatures. It resonates with the hope that through awareness and action, we can ensure a future where the vibrant tapestry of wildlife thrives and coexists harmoniously.
The Last Penguin

The Last Penguin

Artwork using iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. | Coming together as a human been, raising awareness to our environment and how much we are destroying t Read More
