Paitning project with focus on colour and mark.
Saturation has a number of different definitions, something I have learnt when dividing my time between science labs and the art studio in the past two years, and in this project I wanted to concentrate on two of them. Saturated compounds in organic chemistry are linked by single bonds only which means that they are the least reactive ones. Bonds connect the separate elements of compounds and they can also illustrate the connections everyone makes in life. Everyone is born unsaturated, responsive to the surroundings and as we grow up and interact with the environment we change, evolve. In physical chemistry, saturation denotes the degree of which the binding site is fully occupied and to explore that I want to experiment with different degree of finish and mark making to explore how paint interacts with the surface as well as how different colours affect each other.
In this project I wanted to explore application of media, economy of application, frequency and diversity in mark and adhesion of material through the vehicle of portraiture. I always had a problem with overworking my paintings and it was time for me to study in order to be able to make informed decision, instead of just guessing every time I hold a brush.


Words as inspiration: Saturation
