Unlucky Loves
LoLook at my "unlucky loves", quick portaits of tender and awkward loves. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in one of my little men and women, I am in it too! Play with my cards, swap them, give them to your boyfriend/girlfriend, keep one in your wallet for good luck or to keep you from falling in love-traps or to keep falling in them over and over again. If you are not, even slightly, goofy in love you are fake. We are real creatures of flesh and heart; we, who are always in love, are happy loosers.
She wants to have sex, he is into DIY
The phone doesn't ring maybe it's broken
He finally takes courage and tells her "I love you",
but a train passes and she doesn't hear
He regrets having invited her for dinner, now he must have sex
He wonders if it's more cool to be early or to be late
She wants to dump him and is looking forward
to tell him, but he doest't turn up
She wonders what to put on for the third date,
the one where you shag


There are hundreds unlucky loves, I keep painting them on small boards that you can keep as amulet to keep away bad luck in love, I have also pub Read More



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