Drivies app
Insurance telematics app. iOS/Android
I started with Drivies as visual designer, assisting the product designer. As the product evolved, I got involved in many aspects of the app's design, such as interaction design, workflows, wireframing and prototyping. Also, I help with research task as notetaker in interviews and usability tests and with the marketing team, producing graphic materials for online campaigns in social media, the landing page's design and email campaigns.
You can see more and try the app at www.driviesapp.com
Charater and look&feel creation

In order to give our Drivie the right personality, i made many designs and tested them with users, to achieve the desired feeling for our character. The same happened with colour variations.
Personas & customer journey

At the Drivies UX team we defined our user personas and the customer journey. It's very important that the whole team have this in mind, so i designed a proper visualization to have them hanged in our walls. 

Wireframing and prototyping
I started to make hand-drawn wireframes and prototypes. Later on I moved to Invision to make the delivery to developers and researchers faster. Even that this tool is very useful, I still draw sketches for every new screen I design.
Visual design
As Drivies is still an evolving project, new screens and functionalities are still under developement.
Here's a flavour of the visual design that's already running.
Drivies app

Drivies app

Drivies is an app to help you find the best deal for your car insurance. It also helps you to track how you drive and improve your driving.
