Neighborhood Housing Services(NHS), formally Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada
Neighborhood Housing Services is a dedicated partnership of committed residents, business leaders and government representatives. The organization’s mission is to promote affordable rental housing, homeownership programs and neighborhood revitalization to targeted areas throughout Southern Nevada.
The rebranding not only allows for a more concise name, allowing for better recognition, but with imagery that stands out to clients as well. We strayed from obvious color choices that competitors use to set NHS apart. We utilized strong, familial colors for the company that helps families find affordable housing. 
When rolling over the photos, they turn from the duotone of the companies logo to full color images. This only further concretes the branding of Neighborhood Housing Services. 
Employee Badges identify members at a glance with not only a photo, but their name and title. This can be used for security purposes, as well as an identifier with clients, and at events. The black and white portrait allows for the duotone image to stand out without conflict, and ties into the logo at the bottom.
The letterpressed buisness cards for President/Executive Director Michelle Villero add a tactile and elegant finish. A UV print gives clients a sense of a low budget comany, and we want to give clients a feeling of luxury, even in the affordable housing market. 
The poster features modern photography with a personal family touch many can relate to with a simple tagline. 
The shirt may be used for volunteers. The heathered fabric makes the shirt not only comfortable, but stylish for many years of wear. 
Hunter Wallace

Hunter Wallace

Neighborhood Housing Services by Hunter Wallace
