8ª ediçao do FIAC - festival internacional de artes cênicas da bahia 

salvador, 2015
objects, visual identity, graphic and editorial design: Daniel Sabóia, Fábio Steque e Patricia Almeida

Everyday Objects disassembled and reassembled through a ficcional and metaphoric explosion. An ambiguous instant between the chaos - movement, expansion, disruption - and the order that allows us to understand the relation between the fragments floating in the air. The "gambiarra" as  constructive method for a narrative - physical support and movement illustration. 

Exploding as a mean to, inside the context of chrisis and chaos, make room for the emergence of new understandings and new ways of doing. Multiplying viewpoints, fragmenting the system, exposing it inside-out and showing its parts, as a way to find new connection possibilities between them.

The curatorial board of the Eight International Festival of Scenic Arts of Bahia, proposed to approach it as a live organism, accessed through multiple points of view. By presenting the selected group of local, national and international spectacles, it wanted to build a "collective effort of chrisis - to mantain it or to surpass it", expanding the limits between languages and configuring an atmosphere of experimentation that could allow in-proccess propositions and discussions, pointing to new possibilities of acting and thinking. 



Visual Identity for the 8th FIAC - International Festival of Scenic Arts of Bahia
