Brian Childs's profile

Medical Sales College - Digital Social Media

 Custom Header for MSC Facebook Page.
Banner Ad then Twitter Header
Former Facebook Header.
New Year Digital Greeting Card.
Mosaic of Former students with school colors and logo.
Social Media Digital Ad.
MSC branding for social media based on lottery designs.
Social Media Digital Ad. Veteran's Day used masks in Photoshop to create camoflage logo. There is a high level of recruitment of military vets by MSC.
One of many social media ads featuring students.
Graffiti inspired digital ad. I wanted to try out the stencil effect.
Social Media Digital Ad. Focusing on Typography and different blending modes.
Social Media Digital Ad with 3-D button effect and reflection.
Social Media Graduation Announcement.
Digital Facebook Ad. 80s Style.
Social Media Digital Ad. Comic book style large bold typography with some perspective.
Social Media Digital Ad. With Bokeh Effect.
Social Media digital design. Chrome Logo, gradient background, plaid background, gradient type with outer glow and drop shadow.
Social Media digital design. Featuring student working in lab. background with school Colors and low opacity Logo with outer glow.
Social Media digital design. Stock photo with placement and school info.
Social Media and webpage digital ad. Simple design and typography for website and social media.
Social Media digital design. Different blend modes on the typography and the hip replacement photo. Colors similar to the logo.
side banner ad
Social Media digital design.
Social Media digital design. Simple typography with blue and gray Bokeh background and logo with small highlights.
Social Media digital design. Gradient background lens flare.
Social Media digital design. 3-D typography and logo with reflection. Successfully gained followers.
Social Media digital design. Typography, Gradients, Outer glows with the classic Angry Birds background.
Digital Ad used on social media, company websites and email campaign. Linked to
Banner Ad.
Medical Sales College - Digital Social Media


Medical Sales College - Digital Social Media

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn designs developed to attract new and former students.
