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YCN competition - Fever Tree

Design a series of four limited edition bottles in a sophisticated and beautiful style to help fundraise ‘Malaria no More UK’ annually. By selecting four countries within the same region to produce four unique outcomes. For this solution, the chosen region was Africa due to a striking percentage of 90% deaths caused by Malaria. The outcome is highly inspired by Massai-Tribal Necklaces (in Massai Necklaces, each coloured string has a meaning and can vary from bravery, patience, purity and energy) in order to raise awareness and invite individuals to support it. As well as contextual meaning the necklace itself is an object of sophistication, elegance implemented on the contour lines of the bottles.
Target audience: 35-65 age range
As well as covering the target audience and existing consumers the solution is aimed to excite, raise interest and invite new audiences to join the good cause.
Idea & Inspiration
Typefaces (Following the Brand’s Guidelines)
Colour Palette
Series of Posters for Advertising
YCN competition - Fever Tree

YCN competition - Fever Tree

YCN competition group Entry - Brief Fever-Tree.Design four limited Edition bottles to fundraise for Malaria no more Uk
