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TO Kotor Identity

Turistička Organizacija Opštine Kotor, Novi Vizuelni Identitet

Kotor, sa epitetom jednog od najlepših gradova u jedinstvenom zalivu Mediterana, predstavlja izuzetan kolaž obojen prirodnim fenomenima, vekovnom tradicijom, graditeljskim nasleđem i bogatom kulturom koji su doprineli da se stvori poseban duh i šarm primorskog grada.
Ideja za dizajn znaka proistekla je iz bogatstva koji krasi Kotor, zajedno sa gradovima koji pripadaju zalivu, a svaki predstavlja karakterističnu celinu sa sopstvenom kulturom i jedinstvenom arhitekturom. Koncept je kreiran kao dinamični vizuelni prikaz koji će kroz upotrebu sistema piktograma (ikonica) opisivati suštinu grada i sve njegove karakteristike: geografske, topografske, kulturno-istorijske, klimatske... Novi znak čine statičan ispis KOTOR i elementi (stilizacije karakteristične arhitekture, vegetacije i prirodnog okruženja) koji su dinamični i koji pričaju priču grada i njegove okoline. Pored toga, sloganom Centuries Young (u prevodu „Vijekovima mlad”) komunicira se vekovno postojanje i tradicija grada Kotora koji je uspeo zadržati duh mladosti, otvorenosti i dinamičnosti. Grafičko rešenje omogućava dinamičan prikaz raznih lokaliteta, gradskih naselja i njihovih specifičnosti.


Tourism Organization of Kotor, New Identity

Kotor, with the title of one of the most beautiful cities in in the unique bay of the Mediterranean, represents an extraordinary collage of colored natural phenomena, centuries-old traditions, architectural heritage and rich culture that contributed to  special atmosphere and charm of the coastal city.
The idea for design arisen out of the wealth that decorates Kotor, along with the towns belonging to the Gulf, each representing a unit with its own distinctive culture and unique architecture. The concept is designed as a dynamic visual representation using the system of pictograms (icons) to describe the essence of the city and all its characteristics: geographical, topographical, cultural, historical, climatic ... New sign consists of a static letters KOTOR and elements (stylization characteristic architecture, vegetation and natural environment), which are dynamic and which tell the story of the city and its surroundings.
In addition, the slogan Centuries Young communicates the existence and centuries-old tradition of Kotor, which has managed to retain the spirit of youth, openness and dynamism. Graphical solution enables dynamic presentation of various localities, urban neighborhoods and their specificity.

TO Kotor Identity

TO Kotor Identity

Tourism Organization of Kotor New Identity
