The Wheel is an Orthodox Christian quarterly journal discussing Orthodox faith and culture. I worked in the Wheel as a graphic designer in 2015-2017 and then reuited with the jorunal's team in 2022. In total, I developed design for 15 issues (printed and digital versions), which included layouts, typography, covers, photo correction and creating original illustrations. Besides that, I was responsible for printed collateral for the journal, such as business cards, flyers, letterheads, merchandise, etc., as well as for digital and social media ads. For more information about the journal visit

Illustration for Issue 3/2015 cover (created in Corel Painter and Adobe Photoshop)

Issue #3 of the Wheel journal and an illustration for Maria Batova's poem (Issue #5)

Illustration to the poem "Maine Triad" by John Congdon. The Wheel #6, Summer 2016. 

Custom mugs with The Wheel logo and other elements of brand identity

From The Wheel Library: A book by Georges Florovsky: "The Body of the Living Christ"
The Wheel Journal

The Wheel Journal

The Wheel is an independent Christian Orthodox publication with non-profit status. My role as a Graphic Designer in this journal consists of maki Read More
