Phillip Carroll's profile

Infographic Redesign

The project entailed redesigning an infographic to improve its clarity and ensure all information was given sufficient emphasis. 
The image above is the reworked infographic. I felt that by relocating the ranking charts to the side and adding a drop shadow this data became of greater significance. I also changed the color of the background chart text to make it more readible. 
In evaluating the above infographic I felt there were a number of changes to be made. In addition to the ones previously mentioned, I changed the scaling of the background image for solar energy because I felt the scale made it difficult to see them as photovoltaic cells. I also felt that the white text used in the wind energy box was difficult to read against the light blue background so I changed it to black to increase contrast. 
Infographic Redesign

Infographic Redesign

This infographic redesign was a part of the review and revision process during EDM533 Visual and Verbal Communications at Full Sail University. Read More
