Equilibrio is an up-scale Colombian coffee brand. The brand name can be translated to mean balanced which is how many describe Colombian coffee to taste. The mark of the mountains is inspired by beauty of the county where the coffee comes from as well as the location that the coffee is harvested at. The primary color palette reflects the colors of the country's flag and emphasizes the sense of pride that many Colombians have for their country.
The two-piece box design was utilized to stray away form the typical coffee bag design and create a more enahnced user experience. The whole interior box and the top of the exterior box are patterned with an abstract design that is pulled from the original logo to connect the two boxes together. The overall design of the box is very simplistic with very minimal text on the front and back and subtle text on the sides to utilize the space and add more detail to the box.


Equilibrio is an up-scale Colombian coffee brand. The brand name can be translated to mean balanced which is how many describe Colombian coffee t Read More
