This project was done in collaboration with Alejandro Acevedo Ali, an occupational therapy student.
This is Veronica. She is 84 years old and has been sewing her entire life.
She is a member of the American Sewing Guild and worked for five decades 
designing and sewing costumes and interiors.
Unfortunately, Veronica is now living with severe sensory nerve degradation of the right 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fingers due to advanced carpal tunnel syndrome.
This makes it almost impossible for her to sew.
Our goal was to design a device that allowed Veronica to continue her passion for sewing. 
At the end of the project we were able to present Veronica with our final prototype.
With it, Veronica was able to sew a button for the first time in ten years.
She is now back to enjoying the activity she loves so much and has completed several new projects. 
Sewing Aid

Sewing Aid

Occupational Therapy Project
