Equipped with LED-Stripes called "Neopixel" and an Arduino-Board, I record the movements of a skateboarder, just to lightpaint them out in various forms - while he is skating! Right turn, left turn, faster, slower – everything decectable by acceleration can be visualized throught text, form or symbols.
The following picture shows the apparature I built to realise the project. An Arduino UNO, powered by a powerbank and connected to an accelerometer and a strip of Neopixels.
The accelerometer on the Arduino-Board detects, how fast the skater is going and gives out the right graphic to the LED-Pixels: Here with geeen, yellow and red arrows for increasing speed.
All texts and graphics are implemented as graphic arrays in the native Arduino programming language.
These pictures now show the left/right sketch in action, which detects if the skater is skating a right or a left turn, and then lightpaints it out respectively.
The next few photos have a similar concept but are now focused on the acceleration or the deceleration of the skater. Depending on those two scenarios, "faster" or "slower is written in the air.The fourth sketch analyzes the pressure, the skater exerts on the obstacles and ground. Unlike the previous sketches, this one creates a line that increases in thickness when strong pressure is applied.
The fourth sketch analyzes the pressure, the skater exerts on the obstacles and ground. Unlike the previous sketches, this one creates a line that increases in thickness when strong pressure is applied.
Big thanks to Schoko E.V., in whose skatepark I was able to shoot the photos and even bigger thanks to Wenzel from Schoko E.V., who provided his awesome skateboarding skills to make these pictures happen and the project reality!