A.J. Horner's profile

Storyboard Intern Submission Portfolio

Aristocratic Alligator combines what the sophistication of what man aspires to be with the wildness of animals. On a side note, I imagine him with the voice of Kelsey Grammer.
Worked with 'Alligator' in Photoshop to get this, which I'm presenting at SAIC's BFA show.
Fowl Mood
Wordplay and animal humor.
Female Boxer
More wordplay humor.
Genuine Psychic
Now, had she said, "Come on in, I've got a cold Dr. Pepper waiting for you.", I would've been convinced.
Snickers doesn't take unsolicited advertisement ideas, so I drew this, rather quickly, to remember it.
An excerpt from Indiana Jones:The Last Crusdae. (Done in under thirty minutes.)
Sketchdump: Characters and their expressions.
The Wacom tablet came in so handy for this one. Can't believe how much I've learned in the last year at SAIC.
Looks like Lucky here had another accident. I thought a really confident amputee dog would be something cute for kids. "If I had all my limbs, I'd be too much awesome to handle."
Storyboard Intern Submission Portfolio

Storyboard Intern Submission Portfolio

A small sample of my personal favorites of storyboard, comics, and character design. Please enjoy.
