This is the last of five exercises done for "Fotografia dell'architettura" course held by professor Piero Pozzi at Politecnico Di Milano.
I had to shoot a collection of photos using a famous photographer's tecnique. I chose Gabriele Basilico and, in particular, his "Ritratti di Fabbriche" published in the eighties.
So I started from Bausan Square, in the nort-west of Milan (in which I live) and, fallowing the path of the bus I usually take to get to university until reaching Caiazzo Square, shot buildings, and the spaces inbetween them. 
It is kind of interesting to notice the extreme variety of building types on this path: tall and low buildings, big residential condominuums and isolated houses, ecleptical and modern and contemporary, all coexisting in the same path along with some great masterpieces of Italian architecture.
Thanks for watching
Bausan - Caiazzo

Bausan - Caiazzo

Fifth exercise done for "Fotografia dell'Architettura" course held by professor Piero Pozzi at Politecnico di Milano
