Andy Shimmin's profile

Interaction Design Data Visualization

"It’s not about getting from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’, it’s the processes and experiences along the way that make it important, not the end result.
Your road trips are defined by the memories you make. Similar to interaction design, our memories are created from user behavior. The way individuals respond to something is the core of how we tell our design story. 
Interaction design has no specific skill set. It is a set of guide lines that accompany your established skills and build upon them to optimize a niche in the field. Initially, your IxD experienced is enhanced by knowledge of industrial design, graphic design, engineering, computer science, etc. 
On road trips, you have the ability to shape the adventures you go on. Your detours might include more relaxing than exploring, more national parks than museums. You can choose any destination, but it’s your interests that help the experience become impactful to the overall trip.
Interaction design is not a static profession. All of the subcategories are constantly blending together. You can’t have a user experience without a system in which an interaction can occur. When designing, improvision and precedents are an important tool to solving the problem at hand. On your road trip, getting lost requires a sense of direction and spontaneity that is specific to when you are in that situation.

Once you finish a road trip, you don’t stop there-- they aren’t one time experiences. A single road trip doesn’t capture the essence of what it means to embark on one because each adventure is unique. Human behavior is unpredictable in every aspect, and as an interaction designer, it’s this unpredictability that makes the profession one that can’t be solved by a single formulaic solution."
Interaction Design Data Visualization

Interaction Design Data Visualization

Visualize what interaction design means
